September 1, 2014
New affiliate:!

March 14, 2014
Happy Pi Day! I have a new affiliate, the beautiful Mayumi at Fragments of Light! Visit her awesome collective!

October 4, 2013
It's been quite a while. I'm working on slowly updating all my sites, starting with a new layout for Noonvale, featuring the beautiful Sparky from Frankenweenie.
January 2, 2013
There is a new layout up, and this is the first post for the new year! I am excited and hope to start updating more often. This layout features Catherine from the CW's new series, Beauty and the Beast.
September 19, 2012
I was really sad to see the Eeyore layout go, I really like that image of Eeyore and the quote. But here we are with a new layout! In honor of Library Card Month in September I've created this layout of a girl and her dog reading and being cozy inside their house on a rainy day. I've opened up a few fanlistings, including Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, the Dollhouse from The Secret World of Arrietty, Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated, The Mystery of Edwin Drood (2012), and I hope I'm not forgetting anything. I hope everyone is having a great Talk Like A Pirate Day!
May 22, 2012
There is a new layout up, featuring Eeyore! You might notice that it says Enchanted Rose as well as Noonvale, that is because I purchased the domain name and it redirects to, so both point to the same place. I will be using both so there's no need to change any links, and I'll have buttons with both names. Eventually I might just keep my fansite for Beauty and the Beast at Enchanted Rose and switch other links at TFL to Noonvale. Noonvale comes from the Redwall series of books by Brian Jacques. I'll be adding more to the site soon. And some possible future ideas for layouts (so I won't forget) include Snoopy, a Keep Calm layout, and perhaps a mermaid layout. And, I'm also considering making a Thinking About page, for subjects I am thinking about applying for.
May 20, 2012
I have added Sydney at Beautiful Lingering as an affiliate! I have also opened up the fanlisting for Secondhand Lions and have adopted the fanlisting for Rajah from Disney's Aladdin. I was rejected for the fanlisting for Beauty and the Beast, but I was approved for the fanlisting for Helena Ravenclaw from the Harry Potter series. A new layout featuring Eeyore should be coming up as well.
April 18, 2012
I think I figured out what was causing my site to re-route: an i-frame script that I had on for a rotation, which I've removed. Thankfully it was not anything more. I'm working on editing my current fanlistings and making sure there are no errors and cleaning up the code, as well as working on new layouts. More soon!
February 24, 2012
There have been two instances when I visit my domain and I am redirected to an R-rated site. Please, if this happens to you, please contact me and let me know. I am trying to figure out how this is happening.
November 6, 2011
There have been many updates happening, more behind-the-scenes than in front of, but I have not forgotten about this space. I have opened a few fanlistings and have been working on Tale As Old As Time, as November 13th marks the 20th Anniversary of the release of the movie. I have added a new affiliate, Certain as the Stars, and I also purchased a domain as well. I have a few plans for it and will update more as I get a little bit more time. Happy November!
May 20, 2011
I wanted to make a quick update for any fans of Jane Austen's Persuasion. There is a recently published modern version of Persuasion that has been published by the author Kaitlin Saunders. Check it out on her website or on Amazon!
January 30, 2011
After four months, here I am with a new layout and updates! That is not to say I have not been updating behind the scenes; I have, I just haven't posted it on the index page yet. I've finished and opened the Ghoulia fanlisting and was also approved and opened the Resident Evil: Degeneration and Anna Valerious fanlistings. I am also in the process of adopting back the Phoenix (Folklore) fanlisting and am planning to apply for a fanlisting in Movies. I hope everyone had a wonderful start to 2011!
September 29, 2010
I wanted to make a quick update to list the fanlistings I've recently opened: Jane Porter, Sam (Totally Spies), Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Teddy Duncan (Good Luck Charlie), Juliet Van Heusen (Wizards of Waverly Place), Crookshanks, and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. I've applied to run the fanlisting for Ghoulia from Monster High, so I'm really excited about that. Other than that, I have been updating my fanlistings and websites, in particular Tale As Old As Time.
August 17, 2010
I wanted to update that I have changed the layout, again! I was thinking of this iBelle image and I couldn't find one anywhere, so I made my own! I was originally going to make the layout grey and black, but then I experimented with a few colors and found this good combination of pinks. I am also planning to add the Enchanted Rose somewhere on my layout or navigation.
Fanlistings-wise, I was approved for Jane Porter from Tarzan (yay!) and I have applied for a few other fanlistings, including one adoption. I have also been adding things to my fanlistings and updating some with new information and/or new layouts. These include the Misty (webmaster) fanlisting, the Sense and Sensibility (2008) fanlisting, the Persuasion (2007) fanlisting, the As Good As It Gets fanlisting, the Sleepy Hollow Characters fanlisting, and the Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb) fanlisting. I had added new information and buttons to the Nori (Mermaidia) and the Vanna Pira (Scooby Doo) fanlistings previously also. I'll continue updating with new layouts and information from now on.
July 22, 2010
Just a small update to say that I have changed the layout, yet again. I have kept the Charlotte theme and I have made it similar to a purple layout I had a few months ago. I'm very happy with it because I've been wanting to make a grey and pink Charlotte layout for a long time now. I'm working on different areas of my websites here and there.
July 07, 2010
The last time I updated was almost three months ago! I cannot believe it. Time is really flying by this year - I hope it slows down soon. The last time I updated I had just made a new layout, and that is the case this time as well. I was sad to see the Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball layout go, but it's okay. I was debating about what kind of layout to make, and at first I was going to make a layout of GIR from Invader Zim but then I rememberd Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog. I love Charlotte. So I made this very pink layout featuring Lottie. But, I didn't leave GIR out - he is the little guy dancing in the sidebar.
In sitely news, I have opened up several fanlistings since the last time I updated! I have opened the fanlistings for Shrek Princesses, Persuasion (2007) (which doubles as the Anne and Captain Wentworth fanlisting), Professor Hotchkiss (Nancy Drew), and Teddiursa (Pokemon). I have also adopted the Period/Costume TV Genre fanlisting from Nina. And, I am so happy to add that I was approved for the fanlisting for Barbie from Toy Story! YAY!
April ?, 2010
I've put up a new layout featuring a small image from the game Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball along with a quote from the game. I don't have too much time to update, but I have opened a few more fanlistings: Barbie in a Mermaid Tale, Barbie in the Nutcracker: Clara, Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia: Nori, and The Characters of Sleepy Hollow. I have also been approved for the characters of Disney's Hercules, and currently I am working on adopting the fanlisting for Warnings at Waverly Academy from Veronica (yay!). I'll post those up in the next few days :). Also, I'm thinking about applying for another Nancy Drew-related fanlisting.
April 10, 2010
Although Easter has come and gone, I've put up a layout I have been wanting to make for a few days. It is a very simple layout with Peeps Marshmallows; I think Peeps are so adorable! They are one of my favorite things to look at and adore.
I've also recently put up the fanlisting for Wishbone, so if you are a fan please do join. I was approved for a few fanlistings and Veronica is allowing me to adopt the fanlisting for Warnings at Waverly Academy so I will be working on that also.
March 11, 2010
I've changed the layout again - a green layout for March and Spring, featuring Belle and Beast during the library scene, along with a quote from Pride and Prejudice. Speaking of Pride and Prejudice, I sadly did not get approved for the fanlisting for Elizabeth Bennet in Characters: TV, and I had recently found another Elizabeth Bennet which has aired on television (the character in Lost in Austen) that I really liked, so I was a bit sad about that, but it's okay, hopefully I can apply for another Pride and Prejudice related listing. (Did I just use five commas in that one sentence?).
Also, speaking of Lost in Austen, I recently wrote my thoughts about it in a journal I created to write about books, movies, and other topics, located at Bah! Humbooks on Blogspot. I haven't really written too much, but I hope to make a major post soon about my love for A Christmas Carol (really, you should see that, I plan to post pictures of the items I own related to ACC). Note to self: I need to add this link to the network!
And, I am thinking of applying for an animation fanlisting and perhaps a TV Show fanlisting. I'll update with my decision of which fanlisting to apply for soon. Recently I also saw Barbie in A Mermaid Tale and found the song Queen of the Waves to be really catchy! Please listen to it if you can. Have a great week.
February 7, 2010
Wow, it is 2010 already! And more than a month of 2010 has gone by, and this is my first update of the year. I should be ashamed. But finally here I am with a Hercules and Megara layout, just in time for Valentine's Day! :) I will also be updating some of my fanlistings with new layouts and content, and will also be updating my Beauty and the Beast website with a new layout. Since my last updated I have built the Sense and Sensibility 2008 (TV Shows) fanlisting and the Princess Daisy (Super Mario Brothers) fanlisting, check them out if you are a fan and would like to join! I'm thinking of applying for a fanlisting so I'll update if I do.
October 08, 2009
Wow, four months since my last update! Work and school have been keeping me very busy, but I'm a little ahead at the moment so I have a bit of time. I have been doing a few things that I haven't updated on however. I opened the Jen Masterson (6teen) and the Princess Protection Program fanlistings, adopted the Caitlin Cooke and Jude Lizowski (6teen) fanlistings, as well as the Caramelldansen and Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls) fanlisting. I'm so glad I was able to adopt these fanlistings! I've also added a new affiliate under the Website section - Nibs from How Serendipitous. And I've applied for two fanlistings and will be working on adding some content to fanlistings and websites alike. Just to keep up, I'm going to go ahead and write a to-do list here and cross out items as I complete them. Happy October!
Update Tale As Old As Time
Add Screencaptures
Update fanlistings (Dug, Caitlin)
June 01, 2009
It is amazing how fast the time goes by. Lately I have had more time to update properly and add new content, layouts, and other items to my website and fanlistings. I have updated the Misty (, Superman, Laterose, Nefertiri, Word Girl, Total Drama Island, Allison Taylor (Lisa's Rival), Candace Flynn, and Sleeping Beauty (Shrek series) fanlistings, and I recently adopted the Derek fanlisting from Lizzie. On some I have created new layouts and content, and I hope to add other content such as icons. I have also submitted an application, and I hope to add new content to several other fanlistings as well.
March 20, 2009
There is a new layout up; I really love this layout. I was actually working towards something different, with the triangles going across, maybe fading as they went down, and frames hanging with images, but after working on the layout for a little while I came up with this in the end. I have created the fanlisting for the third game in the Nancy Drew PC series: Message in a Haunted Mansion. I was going with something different with that fanlisting too but didn't. I have also been working on adopting out and have also closed a few fanlistings; if you are interested in adopting any of the fanlistings please visit my adoption post. Happy Spring!
February 08, 2009
There is a new layout up, featuring Belle. I was unsure if I should change the previous layout, so my boyfriend helped me decide which to put up, and now there is a more cheery and bright layout up. I am almost done changing urls but I still have quite a bit of work to do, which I hope to get done this week. Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
January 03, 2009
It has been but a few days and I have already changed the layout. I had previously used this layout but now the site name is changed and the Enchanted Rose has been added. I still have quite a few things to do, including moving a few fanlistings that remain linked under, as well as some fansites/websites.
December 27, 2008
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! There is a new layout up; I had the previous layout (the first layout) up for a very short time, so I am kind of sad about that, but I could always put it up again. I had made this layout quite a while ago, and finally decided to really use it. I'm going to be working on moving some sites still, closing/adopting out several, and updating others. It will take me some time, and I probably should make a to do list.
November 25, 2008
I'm moved most of my fanlistings, but I still have a few to go, and a few fansites/other websites. Happy Holidays!
November 25, 2008
So many things have happened since my last update; at the university the semester is almost over and soon I will start my last semester before graduating in May. I have been thinking about so many things. One of them has been my website. I don't think I could close my website any time soon, especially because I put so much time into things, and sometimes so much of myself, that it would be difficult to close any sites. I have however decided something very important. A few months ago I bought the domain, a domain I have wanted for some time. I debated whether to use it as a sort of Beauty and the Beast network site, but finally decided to use it as my main url. Sadly it will replace, my beautiful and lovely domain. As of right now is parked and so will lead to, and during the next few months I plan to slowly move my fanlistings, updating them with new content as I go through them, adopting out some I think. I plan to take this really slowly because during the spring school will be hectic and I will not really have time to update too much. For now that is the news with me, I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
November 08, 2008
I have been making buttons for several fanlistings, including Alexa, Melody, Anneliese and Julian, and Giselle. What I am really also proud of is the new layout I made today for my A Christmas Carol (1984) fanlisting! I have been wanting to make that layout for so long. And I've also made a set of buttons for the fanlisting too. This is a wonderful movie, I highly recommend it, especially during the holiday season! More soon!
November 01, 2008
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!. I am working a bit on site maintenance today, and I made a new layout featuring a winter theme. I know it's the first of November and Thanksgiving will come before Christmas, but I LOVE Christmas and the winter season so I am very, very excited, especially this year! I've opened up a fanlisting dedicated to Giselle from Enchanted, listed at the Physical Fanlistings and Disney Listings, but I still need to work on it. More soon!
October 12, 2008
I've created the Melody from Barbie and the Diamond Castle fanlisting. She is a really awesome friend and muse! I'll be working to add much more to that one soon. Also I am thinking of applying for the Alex character from Wizards of Waverly Place, but I'm not sure.
October 11, 2008
Happy October! I'm really excited about Halloween! School has been very busy but I've created three fanlistings I have on upcoming today: Vanessa Doofenshmirtz and Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb, as well as Alexa from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. I have one fanlisting on upcoming and I will try to finish right away.
September 03, 2008
A quick update to note that today we hit 3000 members in the collective! Also on August 30th I received an approval for The Mummy series! I can't believe that I was approved but I am so happy! I am a huge fan of The Mummy movies and I can't wait to build this fanlisting, which I plan on extending to a fansite. I have also updated my wish list and although I don't really have many items on it (only two) I don't really plan on adding many more because I love the fanlistings I have. I also recently adopted The Hot Chick from Deborah and A Christmas Caper from Desiree. Thank you both for entrusting me with these fanlistings!
August 21, 2008
There is a new layout up! I really love this layout even though it might seem a little bit simple. It was made for back-to-school but also to celebrate my anniversary with my boyfriend in September, hence the love theme. Many things have happened with my websites! I have adopted four fanlistings from Michelle: Anastasia from Cinderella, Cinderella: [+] All Characters, Beauty and the Beast Female Characters, and Fairy Queen from Barbie of Swan Lake. And Desiree has allowed me to adopt the Gaston and Libby Chessler fanlistings! Those are all up and running now here on Medieval Forest. Also I was approved for the fanlisting for Elizabeth from Hellboy and I have created it: Liz Sherman. I also decided to reopen my Sleepy Hollow Fansite so that has now been readded to the Network: Movies page. I have two applications pending for two awesome characters from the animated television show, Phineas and Ferb: Candace Flynn and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, so hopefully I will be approved. This next week I will be starting my final year of college so I'm really excited. More soon!
August 02, 2008
August is here! I have been busy with my summer course. My boyfriend and I are taking Human Physiology and it has been a lot of information, but the end is almost near. Also nearing is the beginning of the Fall 2008 semester, when I will begin my final year at university! Hopefully everything goes well during the next few months. I haven't been able to work on my websites as much because of school, but today I decided to make a new layout for Medieval Forest and here it is. The layout features Anastasia from Cinderella; specifically the images are from Cinderella III. I love that movie. Anastasia is now one of my favorite characters. More soon!
July 31, 2008
I cannot believe it will be August tomorrow! Time goes by so quickly.
I've put up the Lily fanlisting, from Power Rangers: Jungle Fury today. I'll be working on a few things when I have a bit of time soon.
July 03, 2008
I was approved for several fanlistings and have finished them, I hope to add more buttons and content to them soon but for now I will have them open and ready because next week I start my summer course, and as a result will not have much time to update.
June 28, 2008
I've adopted back several fanlistings from Michelle that she was adopting out recently. I've also decided to reopen the Directory of Magic so I've added that back with a new layout, except that this time I will update manually instead of using a script. I've been working on Tale As Old As Time a lot and I've also been working on Fairytales as well and I've added many new things to them both. I had also added new things to Van Helsing Fan but that was in the beginning of June and I only mentioned it on the fansite. I've also added some new content to my A Christmas Carol fanlisting and my Aberforth Dumbledore fanlisting. I'm going to be adding new things to my fanlistings and making new layouts for some, as well as continuing to add content to Tale As Old As Time, Fairytales, and I plan to really work on Enchanted Castle. I'll work as hard as I can this next week because starting July 7th I have to attend my summer course so I won't have as much time online.
June 16, 2008
It's been a month since my last update, and since then I have reopened the Abigail (National Treasure) fanlisting, which I plan to add more content to, and I have adopted the Barbie as Rapunzel fanlisting from the wonderful Lisa. I'm very excited as this was the first Barbie movie I ever saw so long ago with my little niece. I've also opened the Gallows Hill fanlisting for a book by Lois Duncan, and I've applied for a few fanlistings. I'm also thinking of making a Beauty and the Beast network page of sorts. More soon on that. And I also want to make a rotation, which I'll get started on right now.
May 16, 2008
There is a new layout up featuring Chelsea from MyScene! I was having a difficult time deciding between Chelsea and Nolee but ultimately chose Chelsea. You can visit this link to find out what Wikipedia says about the characters. I've also gotten the Van Helsing (2004 Movie) up, so it is ready for joining. Thanks again to Manda for allowing me to adopt it! I'm really excited because I have a fansite for it so I can link them together now. More soon!
May 09, 2008
There is a new layout up, featuring pictures of two Disneyland Belle Face Characters. I wish I had their job. The layout is similar to one I made for my fanlisting for All Characters of Enchanted. More updates soon, including a new layout and new content at Tale As Old As Time and Van Helsing Fan as well as updates to my fanlistings, for example I plan to write out the script to my A Christmas Carol 1984 fanlisting. I finished my final examination yesterday so I have a lot of free time now to update my websites!
Edit: I changed the layout, again, I really liked the previous one but this one even though it's simple I like it as well. Beauty and the Beast is love. The awesome picture is from DisneyEnchanted.
May 03, 2008
I've put up a new layout today that I made a few days ago, featuring Beauty and the Beast, my favorite. I'll try to update a bit more, and I was approved for All Characters of Enchanted and Evolet from 10,000 BC, so I'll get to work on those, as well as something else related to Beauty and the Beast. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
April 26, 2008
Several fanlistings have new layouts today! : Anneliese and Julian, Cogsworth, and Beauty and the Beast Characters. I'm also in the process of adopting out several fanlistings and have been approved for two and applied to adopt one. I took off the Change Layout option and have left the Dumbledore Potterpuff layout up. I also edited a few fanlistings here and there, and I've been busy with the script attack, which I hope do not return.
April 14, 2008
Unfortunately my website was the target of a script attack and I had to spend a part of yesterday fixing it. I wish people wouldn't do these things to others' websites, but oh well. Because of this I have come to really realize I do not have as much time as I wish I had for my listings, so I have decided to adopt some of my listings out. Please visit my adoption post at the messageboard and don't hesitate to apply. I will probably add more soon.
March 22, 2008
I have decided to put the Giselle layout I made some time ago back up because I really love it. I didn't want to delete the MyScene layout however so I decided to provide different layouts for the visitor to choose which one to use while browsing, and that can be found in the Change Layout section. I'll probably also add the Dumbledore Potterpuff layout as a skin because that one is so cute.
In fanlisting news, Alexandra has allowed me to adopt the fanlisting for Estella from Great Expectations and I have applied for two fanlistings in Characters: Book/Movie. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
March 19, 2008
I have closed three websites: Because I Love Her, my website dedicated to quotations; my Albus Dumbledore fansite; and Sleepy Hollow, dedicated to the 1999 movie. It was a difficult decision, but I think I may be cutting down on a lot of websites soon.
March 16, 2008
A lot has happened since I last updated. Veronica has allowed me to adopt the Kira Ford, Barbie: Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow, and Princess Lacey fanlistings and I have those up. I was also approved to adopt the fanlisting for Katrina, Ichabod, and Young Masbath and am waiting for the members list to have it completely up and running. And finally yesterday I was approved for the Mariposa (character) fanlisting and the Barbie Diaries movie fanlisting and I've gotten those up. I'm thinking about applying for Sabrina the Animated Series and maybe cross-list the fanlisting for Salem in animation. More soon!
Edit - I've got the members up for the Katrina, Ichabod, and young Masbath fanlisting, and it's ready for opening: No One Else.
February 21, 2008
I know, this is the third layout that I have done in the past three or four days, but this one is definitely staying up. It is featuring an awesome picture from MyScene. I love MyScene. I have put up the fanlistings for April Thomas and the relationship for April and Jessica, both from The Hot Chick. I was also rejected for the Beauty and the Beast Fairytale fanlisting. :( More soon!
February 20, 2008
I've finished the two fanlistings I am going to adopt and another one that I was offered :) I haven't put them up yet for joining though because I am waiting on the member lists. Also I was approved for and have created the fanlisting for WordGirl. And I created a new layout. Hopefully this one will stay up for some time.
February 17, 2008
I've had the luck of being approved for two fanlistings at, a namelisting, and to adopt two fanlistings! I have put up the two fanlistings I was approved for at Cady Heron and Mina Harker. I'll try to finish up the namelisting and two adopted fanlistings later on today.
Also I have been debating back and forth as to whether or not to get a new domain name, or two actually. I might decide to get them, but if I do I'll move my fanlistings really slowly because I have just renewed Medieval Forest on Valentine's Day.
Edit: - This is the second layout change today, and I think I'll keep this one up, but I'm not sure. I used the Belle layout I had yesterday for the Belle Namelisting.
February 02, 2008
Happy Birthday to my mom! :)
I decided not to have an update log after all. I think it is more confusing for me and I prefer to have updates in their
own particular places. So I removed the link from my fanlistings and from Medieval Forest, deleted the posts and the log.
Now I will be posting here again :) Yay! And I've made some neat icons to go with my updates, whether it's a fanlisting
update, a network (or fansite) update, a website update, or a miscellaneous update, I made an icon for each :) -- More soon!
01 February 2008 @ 05:22 pm
Two Character ApplicationsI have applied for Cady Heron from Mean Girls and Giselle from Enchanted. I am keeping my fingers crossed, as I really would love to be approved for these characters. Wish me luck!
27 January 2008 @ 12:04 am
Application and Tale As Old As TimeI have applied for the PBS Kids Television Show, Word Girl, in the Animation -> TV Shows subcategory. I hope I get approved! If so, I plan to call it Word Up! I have also added a skins feature to Tale As Old As Time! I don't want to take off the blue layout because my boyfriend said he liked it which I thought was really sweet so I would love to keep it up forever :) So I am planning on keeping it up and having the skins feature so visitors can choose a layout to view while browsing.
25 January 2008 @ 08:18 pm
New LayoutThere is a new layout at Medieval Forest. It features pictures of a Disneyland Belle face character :)
Edit: I made a new layout featuring a clipart of Belle reading a book :)
23 January 2008 @ 08:32 pm
Beauty and the Beast (1992)I have finished putting up the Beauty and the Beast (1992) fanlisting and have sent in a finished form. I know that Wikipedia has the year as 1993 but before it was 1992, and 1992 is the year on the box so I am going to continue to write 1992.
I have also affiliated the rest of my Simpsons-related fanlistings together and joined the ones I had not joined yet that I have recently finished or created.
21 January 2008 @ 09:03 pm
New "Old" LayoutI put up a new layout at It's actually a layout I had already used before and that I made some time ago, but I decided to change it and I really love this layout so I wanted to use it again.
I was approved for Nani from Lilo & Stitch, Edna Krabappel from The Simpsons, and Bart's Ballet Teacher also from The Simpsons, and have sent in finished forms. Kelly Garrett and Joan Lowery Nixon have officially been put up at I don't have any more fanlistings to finish, but I did apply for the 1992 version of Beauty and the Beast, which I had already owned before but closed.
17 January 2008 @ 11:53 pm
Posts With Updates for Fanlistings that Have ThemI'm going through my fanlistings and adding the link to this update log, so that now I will not include manual updates in the fanlistings themselves, but in this journal, which will be browsable by tags. I am going through and adding the link right now, and I've come across fanlistings that have some manual updates written on them, so I've decided to make separate posts for these fanlistings, which I will do so now. These posts will have the present date, but will have the name of the fanlisting and the updates up to this point. :)
17 January 2008 @ 07:12 pm
Moved BriarBelle to Medieval ForestI have been feeling rather odd about having one domain only about me, so I decided to move all of the things on Briar Belle back to Medieval Forest. I feel more comfortable having a small section on Medieval Forest than a domain all to myself. However, I really love My boyfriend helped me pick it out, and he thought it was a really good name. I am going to miss it later on when it expires, but I'll always remember the name. For now, is redirecting to
13 January 2008 @ 06:31 pm
New YearThe New Year has come and gone. I have created several fanlistings and tomorrow will be my first day back at school. I wish everyone good luck for this new year.
29 December 2007 @ 06:27 pm
Network UpdateHappy Birthday to my little niece! :)
A small Network update today. Sleepy Hollow has a new layout, as does Albus Dumbledore. I also changed layouts on Library, my portfolio and Love, my Trading Card Post. The last two are mainly for my own archival purposes. I have also decided to close Directory of Magic. I think in the long run it would have been more time consuming, especially since I removed the directory script due to spam.
20 December 2007 @ 06:26 pm
Salem SaberhagenI've spent some time today working on the Salem Saberhagen fanlisting from Sabrina the Teenage Witch and have put it up here
19 December 2007 @ 06:25 pm
Aberforth DumbledoreI have created the Aberforth Dumbledore fanlisting! There aren't too many images of Aberforth unfortunately, but hopefully I'll find more soon.
18 December 2007 @ 06:20 pm
New Layout and More ButtonsThere is a new layout up, featuring Giselle from Enchanted. It has actually been up for a few days, but am just posting now about it. I'll be working on making new buttons for several of my fanlistings right now.
More soon!
Edit: I've made new buttons for my Ford Mustang, Wishbone, and Phoenix fanlistings.
15 December 2007 @ 06:17 pm
New Layouts and ButtonsThere are several fanlistings that have undergone changes!
A Christmas Carol (1984) - new layout and re-did several buttons as well as added more content
As Good As It Gets - new layout
Cogsworth - new layout
Olive, the Other Reindeer - new layout and buttons
Rapunzel - new buttons
Ashlyn - new buttons
Fallon - new buttons
I plan to make many more new layouts at several fanlistings as well as buttons and add more content as well.
More to come!
09 December 2007 @ 06:16 pm
Golden Compass LayoutThere is a new layout up featuring images from The Golden Compass. It is a beautiful movie and I highly recommend it. I'm going to be working on a few things here and there, but not really too much since this is the last week of school for the semester. More soon!
17 November 2007 @ 06:31 pm
Moved Personal Area back to BriarBelleI decided to make my personal website, I really would have missed it terribly. So a new layout at is up, and will remain as my collective and will hold all of my projects and websites and fansites.
08 November 2007 @ 06:29 pm
Moved Personal Area Back to Medieval ForestI decided to go ahead and move my personal sections back here, I'll miss terribly though! I still need to work on this area alot, but hopefully during Christmas break, I can take care of that....