RWBY is a webseries set in the world of Remnant where the supernatural abounds and creatures called Grimms exist. The hunters who battle the creatures of Grimm receive their training at academies. At Beacon Academy, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang make up one of the teams of hunters. Each of the hunters has a unique weapon and ability which helps them in combat. The characters also reference particular fairy tales.
Blake is my most favorite character from the show. She is most serious, enjoys reading books, and is the most quiet and introverted of the group. She wears a large black bow that serves to hide her cat-like ears, and her last name is also the name of the plant known as "deadly nightshade." The fairy tale that corresponds to Blake is Beauty and the Beast. For more, please visit Blake at the RWBY Wiki.
Official Website
Episode One - Rooster Teeth's videos of RWBY on YouTube. Start with Episode 1 and go from there!